Generating ideas for your product video is one thing, creating content is quite another. To begin with, your content must align with your vision of what you want your product video to say about your e-book. In other words, what do you want your viewers to take away from watching your product video?
Product videos are as much about giving as they are about selling. In this case ‘the giving’ is all about giving someone a feel good and must have a factor when it comes to your product. Remember – emotion and connection is what you want your product video to achieve.
Promoting a food product and forging a connection with potential buyers is relatively easy to achieve through video. After all, we all think about our stomach at some point during the day, so making an emotional connection with visual images of food is not that difficult. However, we are not talking about food; we are talking about your e-book. So, figuratively speaking, how do you make your e-book an edible product through visual imagery? The answer to that question is: much in the same way that you would a food product – through a clean and attractive presentation. In short, your video content should be clean and beautiful, enough to entice the buyer to take an emotional bite out of your product.
Staying with the food analogy for the moment, let’s look at a product video for an e-book on dieting for hypo-thyroid suffers. Hypothyroidism is a common illness affecting millions of people around the world. Basically, the affected person’s body doesn’t produce enough thyroxin and, as a consequence, he or she becomes lethargic and suffers from a range of physical and emotional problems including, but not limited to, overweight and depression.
To counter the effects of an underactive thyroid gland, the patient is typically given thyroxin tablets to compensate for the body’s inability to produce enough natural thyroxin. In a majority of cases, thyroxin tablets will help the patient overcome the side effects of his or her underactive thyroid, but only if the individual concerned follows a dietary and exercise regime that compliments and assists their thyroxin uptake, and herein lays the problem. Certain foods and drinks inhibit thyroxin uptake. For example, drinking coffee can reduce thyroxin uptake by as much as 30%, which is quite a lot if you are dependent on thyroxin tablets to stabilize your metabolism.
An e-book on diets for hypothyroid suffers will focus on the various types of food and drink that a hypothyroid can or cannot consume. The topic of the e-book, therefore, lends itself to all kinds of visual imagery for a product video – the health benefits, or lack thereof, of certain types of food or drink. The video content can also include images of active and sporting people to illustrate the success of following the dietary advice in the e-book. Although the list of possible material for the product video is endless, the message and emotional connection between the product and buyer is unequivocal – this product can help you, the hypothyroid, to lead a healthy lifestyle.