Saturday, March 12, 2011

Quality over Quantity: The secret to a good article marketing campaign

Article Marketing is one of the most cost effective ways of launching your e-book promotion. However, there is a right way and a wrong way to go about an article marketing campaign.

Before you launch your article marketing campaign you will need to plan what you are going to write about and decide upon which directories will host your material.

When it comes to writing articles you need to think about content, style and the word length of your piece.

Article length should be no more than 500 words long, as online users tend to have a short attention span. Your article should be descriptive, almost journalistic in style. Moreover, your article should impart useful and actionable information, pointing to your expertise on the subject you are writing about.

Write a series of articles rather than just one off pieces. This will help to build your authority as a steady source of quality information on a particular topic.

Once you’ve written your articles, you will need to think about how you are going to distribute them.

Writers new to article marketing tend to submit the same article to a multitude of article directories. This is a mistake, as search engines use filters to prevent duplicate content from showing up during searches. Posting the same article to different directories is just a waste of time.

Each article you submit to a directory must be unique. By submitting unique articles to individual directories you’ll reduce the chances of your material being filtered out by search engines.

Submitting articles to too many directories is another common mistake made by newbie article writers. While quantity may seem appealing, it will not help your cause or lift your status as a renowned writer.

Instead of using a scatter gun approach to distributing your material, you should select four or five top directories as your main distribution channels. The emphasis is on quality rather than quantity. (Here’s a list of the top 50 article directories from which you can choose your distribution channels:

After you've posted your articles you should monitor their progress. This will give you a picture of how many people are reading your material, of what works and what doesn’t work. You can then use this feedback to develop new ideas for any future articles you intend to write.

Although article marketing can be time consuming, it can also help you to build a loyal following for your written material, effectively making it easier to promote your next e-book.

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